Pricing for native B2B SaaS companies

We help SaaS companies create pricing for their next phase of growth - because the pricing that got you here probably won’t get you there.
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We help native B2B Saas companies create winning pricing and packaging strategies.

Our main client type is a born-in-cloud or ‘native’ B2B SaaS company that needs to redesign pricing to either clean up legacy issues and stop leaving money on the table or wants to restart growth by introducing a new product or by opening up a new sales channel - like a PLG motion or going upmarket to Enterprise.

We are used to working with clients who have entrenched customer portfolios with complex and varied product structures, individual and unstructured contracts and who sell in highly regulated markets.

We often help with:

  • Value-based pricing:  redesign pricing to capture value across types & sizes of customers.
  • Usage-based pricing: shift to usage-based models.
  • AI pricing: integrate AI capability and pricing in existing products.
  • Geographical strategy: tailor pricing strategies to diverse regions and markets.
  • Pricing for new products: design, validate and launch pricing for new products
  • Partners & Resellers: create or redesign pricing for channel partners.
  • Service pricing: monetise services and turn service revenue into ARR.
  • M&A clean up: integrate packaging & pricing portfolios post-M&A.
  • Migration: renegotiate legacy customers to new pricing.

Issues we often deal with:

  • Poor data:  insufficient, scattered and incorrect data
  • Commercial & Technical Debt: legacy issues in the tech stack and in customer contracts.
  • Out-of-control SKU’s: portfolios grown to 1000’s of SKUs.
  • RFI/Tender processes: sales processes with heavy constraints.
  • Procurement: aggressive procurement pressure from large accounts.
  • Cash Flow Sensitivity: redesign pricing without cashflow disruptions
  • Billing: outdated or insufficient billing & licensing systems.
  • Execution Deficit: poor internal talent pool or overloaded organisations.
  • Iron-Clad Contracts: uncancellable & predatory contracts with powerful customers.


Native B2B SaaS


Chinese Retail Tech

Pricing & Strategic Advisory to Founder
$50-100M ARR:

European HR-Tech

Pricing Redesign & Implementation
$50-100M ARR:

US HR-Tech

Pricing Redesign & Implementation
$100-500M ARR:
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We raised prices but still felt like there was this much more significant, structural change that we needed. That we'd left money on the table.
If we had not found Willingness To Pay we would not have used external help. They were by far the best because they were so SaaS specific.
VP Sales
Especially our older customers were heavily underpriced for sure.
Haukur Hannesson

Rethink how much you charge.

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